this morning, while i was fighting with myself coz my body won’t get up from bed, a luring aroma slowly filled the air. i couldn’t help but be tempted by the smell of fried meat and eggs. it was so good that i had to end up arguing with myself coz my tummy couldn’t wait any longer. it was too good to resist. twas definitely a whole lot better than another 5-minute sleep extension. i hurriedly got down and ate breakfast (take note: that was still 530 in the morning).hehe. when i was done, thoughts of the past started crossing my mind. that moment, i realized that it has been so long since i last manipulated our kitchen back home. i missed making beef and mushroom lasagna, my ordinary sushi and my choco mousse ala pobre.hehe. the latter isn’t really named that way. i don’t know if i remember it right but its real name has the word deluxe on it. forgive me but i cannot fathom calling the dessert with that name coz in our province, one of the couple of ways of using the word deluxe is to refer to non-airconditioned buses. whatever, it’s just not right for a dessert, it just sounds too..uhm..u know..BUSish..hehe..or BACHELORish or
anyway, yea.i miss cooking. but hey, don’t you entertain the notion that im good at it..coz i aint. i just know how. hmmm..but in all fairness, according to my folks and our house help back then and some of my friends who were so fortunate to try my deli, it tasted good nman daw. although the feedbacks weren’t reliable because they had to consider my feelings, i still believed that it tasted good. Don’t argue with me you dim-witted antagonist!hehe.poink. san n nga ako?uhm yeah. it was good according to my oh-so-low standards.hehe. Haha..tama, all were yummy except for the one that i made for New year’s eve about 3-4 years ago.hehe. on the 31st, my family went out to take care of some affairs and left me at home to prepare for our Media Noche. i decided to cook the lasagna last. i was done with the pasta and the white sauce and im halfway through my filling when a friend of mine texted and informed me that he’s on his way to our home..i said ok. we talked and laughed and i forgot that i left my meat sauce simmering until a familiar stench reached ur olfactory receptors,one that said: "hey, stop talking,it’s kitchen emergency" hehe.. so i hurriedly got back to the kitchen and like what i expected, most of the meat has settled at the bottom of the pan, not to mention, BURNT to blackish red.hehe. i still went on with the layering after removing the burnt portions. and the taste?uhm good. except for the fact that when it reaches your mouth, the world starts’s a good thing though that my moodrah took care of the turkey, otherwise, all that we would be having for media noche then were desserts.hehe..wala lng..=)
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3 years ago
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